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After 2020 Election, Where Do We Go From Here?

What I feared would happen in the 2020 presidential election has happened, and no, I am not talking about whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump would win. I’m referencing the divisive and ambiguous situation we face as a nation where neither candidate has a clear victory or a mandate and where there have been widespread […]

How Should Christians Disagree About Important Things?

This past week the Evangelical world has reverberated with a debate by two of Evangelicaldom’s most illustrious, influential, and popular theologians: John Piper and Wayne Grudem. On October 22, John Piper wrote an article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin: Pondering the Implications of the 2020 Elections.” In which he explains why he would not […]

Kenyan Alumna Sees Ripple Effect of Defending Faith

Growing up in Kenya, Cathy was surrounded by Muslim neighbors. As a child, she and a friend went in circles one day about who Jesus is—Cathy said Jesus is God; her friend said He is not. Cathy approached her mom. How could she explain to her friend that Jesus is Lord? “My mom said, ‘Well, […]

Five Reasons Abortion is Murder: The Killing of an Innocent Human Being

For whatever reason, I missed taking an ethics class in college. My speech class came with a list of topics we could not give a speech on. Abortion was at the top of the list which was not alphabetical. Every other class that might have touched on the topic, avoided the issue as well. Regardless […]

Divine Impassibility: God As Our Unaffected Fortress

Several of my previous blogs have dealt with divine simplicity and some objections to the doctrine. As I have written, it is the most important divine attribute, even if it is hotly debated. Those who accept simplicity are on a completely different theological trajectory from those who reject it. I would argue that its acceptance […]

Tackling Racism and the Bible

In a year of exploding racial tension, Harold is finding himself in more conversations about the very thing he studied for his Doctorate of Ministry project at SES five years ago: racism and the Bible. Does the Bible condone slavery? Does it teach that black people are inferior? Those are questions he hears all the […]

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