God and Morgan Freeman
Has anyone ever asked you “Who is God?” What a loaded question! The answer to this question is undoubtedly important and is intimately connected to every aspect of life; one’s belief or lack thereof will determine how one approaches foundational questions pertaining to the nature of reality, man, knowledge, meaning, morality, and purpose. I can’t […]
Aquinas or Van Til? Testimony of a Campus Minister
By Chris Van Allsburg, Recently, Reformed theologian and presuppositionalist K. Scott Oliphint [1] criticized Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) for holding to the classical method in apologetics at a conference in Phoenix called Reformcon. Having moved away from presuppositionalism, I feel it is appropriate to respond. Now, presuppositionalism was my meat and potatoes for nearly a decade […]
Course: Ethics
Richard Land, Ph.D. Module 3 Course(s) (May 16th-21st | | Mon. – Fri. 6:00pm-10:30pm | Sat. 8:00am-4:30pm) Ethics AP412 Syllabus Ethics AP512 Syllabus DESCRIPTION* *This is a summary of AP512, which is a M.A. level course. If you are interested in the full description of AP512 download the AP512 Syllabus. *If you are interested in […]
Course: The Book of Daniel
Thomas Howe, Ph.D. Module 5 Course(s) (June 6th-11th | Mon. – Fri. 6:00pm-10:30pm | Sat. 8:00am-4:30pm) OT428/528 Daniel Syllabus DESCRIPTION An in-depth study of the book of Daniel focusing on the prophetic message as the paradigm for understanding biblical Prophecy…The prophecies of the book of Daniel are foundational for an understanding of a Dispensational/Premillenial perspective, […]
Course: Biblical Languages
J. P. Lenhart, M.A. May 2, 2016 – Aug 5, 2016 BL401: Biblical Languages Syllabus (ONLINE ONLY) DESCRIPTION An overview of the biblical languages with an emphasis on developing proficiency in the employment of the standard biblical language reference tools in the study of the Bible and the defense of the historic Christian Faith. OBJECTIVES […]
Course: New Testament Survey I
Melton B. Winstead, Ph.D. Module 2 Course(s) (May 9th-14th |Mon. – Fri. 6:00pm – 10:30pm | Sat. 8:00am-4:30pm) New Testament Survey I DESCRIPTION A survey of the life and teachings, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ as presented in the four Gospels and the spread of Christianity as recorded in the Book of Acts. Introductory […]