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Barbarians are at the Gate

The barbarians are at the gate, and they are in the centers of American cities, tearing down statues and memorials representing our history and our heritage. They started with Confederate political leaders and generals. Many of us understood from the beginning that the Confederate generals were clearly a Trojan horse. Let me be clear: the […]

Who Cares About Philosophy?

What do these questions have in common: Does God exist? Can God change? Does God know our future? How can a good God allow evil? How do humans know? What does it mean to know? What does it mean to be good? Can we objectively interpret the Bible? The answer: all of these questions are […]

How Can We Know Immaterial Truths from Physical Realities?

Certificate in Philosophy

It is obvious from my experience that not everyone is interested in philosophy or philosophical questions. But there should be wide interest in an answer to the above question. I was taking my car in for an oil change dressed up in a suit and tie. The attendant asked me what I do for a […]

Substance Dualism Is Not the Only Option for Christians

Unfortunately, most Christians are taught, or somehow assume, that substance dualism is true. Often, substance dualism is the view that humans have two separate, distinct, and complete entities: the soul and the body. Historically there have been other positions, but oftentimes this position is either taken for granted or taught as if it’s the only […]

More Thoughts on God and Morality

The following is an excerpt for our Why Trust the God of the Bible? ebook. The astute reader may have noticed that the moral argument for God’s existence has not been utilized in this short booklet. This was deliberate. The reason it has been saved for an appendix is because morality and what good is […]

Dealing with the “Who Created God” Objection

It never fails. Offer an argument for God’s existence and almost invariably you will hear, “Well, who created God?” With some arguments this may be a legitimate objection. I have argued elsewhere that philosophical proofs for God’s existence are more powerful than scientific ones. This objection is one instance where I think one can see the advantage […]

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