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The Moral Argument for God’s Existence: Some Thomistic Natural Law Musings

Enjoy this blog pulled from the SES archives by Dr. Richard Howe, originally published at richardghowe.com. In continuing my discussion on theistic arguments, I would be remiss if I said nothing about the moral argument—surely the most popular argument for God’s existence currently making the rounds. Perhaps the most familiar, cogently set forth, and adroitly […]

Missionary to Brazil Gives Logical Defense

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. —John 14:6 From Russia to Africa to Brazil, Tony has noticed the same trend: “The difficulty for people to grasp logical thinking because of the education system that is employed throughout the world.” From […]

Five Reasons Abortion is Murder: The Killing of an Innocent Human Being

For whatever reason, I missed taking an ethics class in college. My speech class came with a list of topics we could not give a speech on. Abortion was at the top of the list which was not alphabetical. Every other class that might have touched on the topic, avoided the issue as well. Regardless […]

Divine Impassibility: God As Our Unaffected Fortress

Several of my previous blogs have dealt with divine simplicity and some objections to the doctrine. As I have written, it is the most important divine attribute, even if it is hotly debated. Those who accept simplicity are on a completely different theological trajectory from those who reject it. I would argue that its acceptance […]

UPDATED: Upcoming Course: Christian Theology, Racism, and Social Justice

Update:  We are excited to announce that Dr. Alveda King, Kay James (President of the Heritage Foundation), and Ralph Reed (Founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition) will be joining us as special guests for this important class. Their unique and informed perspectives will provide tremendous insights into our current cultural tensions. If possible, we […]

Why do so many young Americans hate their country’s heritage?

I have had scores of Americans ask me that question in the last few months. My inquisitors have been baffled and perplexed as to why so many of our twenty and thirty- something citizens seem to so readily jettison what my questioners cherish as rich, meaningful, and critically important — an American heritage that has […]

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