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The Goodness of God

My last post on God and morality brought up the issue of if and how God is moral. My main point was to reject the notion that God is moral in the sense that humans are moral. But I did mention that God is good, just not morally good. That is, he isn’t good because he lives […]

The Death of God

Have you ever heard the music that’s played when the South Carolina Gamecocks enter their football stadium?  It’s quite moving!  It’s the same music that Stanley Kubrick used in 1968 for his iconic movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.”  But the music is much older than that; it was composed in 1896 by Richard Strauss. More […]

A Preview: How Holocausts Happen

Greetings friends, family, strangers, and enemies alike, My name is John D. Ferrer, and I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary (MDiv – Apologetics), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM and PhD – Phil. of Relig.). I will be speaking at the National Apologetics Conference in Charlotte, NC on Oct. 13-15, 2016. My topic is […]

Batman V. Superman: A Sign of the Culture’s Theological Condition

By Dr. Brian Huffling, Not even on the most distorted and contracted theory of good which ever was framed by religious or philosophical fanaticism, can the government of Nature be made to resemble the work of a being at once good and omnipotent [1]. Is this the worldview of a philosopher or a modern-day comic […]

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