Barbarians are at the Gate

The barbarians are at the gate, and they are in the centers of American cities, tearing down statues and memorials representing our history and our heritage. They started with Confederate political leaders and generals. Many of us understood from the beginning that the Confederate generals were clearly a Trojan horse. Let me be clear: the […]
Cultural Relativity

In preparation for an upcoming class on the philosophy of hermeneutics, I was reviewing and updating my notes. One of the issues dealt with early in the notes is the significance of culture and cultural studies on our understanding of how to interpret the world. What struck me and motivated me to attempt to write […]
10 Reasons Why I Rejected the Religion of Star Wars

Does the title sound exclusive and narrow-minded? What about this one: “Why I Rejected Religion and Instead Raised My Son on Star Wars” which is the title of an article by Vishen Lakhiani. He lays out the reasons he raised his son “without religion.” This was done in part because of their blended family, Lakhiani […]
Silenced No More: How To Keep Your Children From Being Silenced Into Submission
By Kathryn Camp, I am honored and excited to be speaking at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics (NCCA). In addition to speaking at the NCCA, I will also be speaking at the Women’s only portion of the event. I am a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary where I earned my Doctorate of Ministry in […]
Hitler’s Religion: Christian Apologetics Faces the Hitler Question
Was Hitler and the mass murder he brought about caused by secularization, or, on the contrary, was Christianity responsible for the Holocaust? As I demonstrate in my forthcoming book, Hitler’s Religion (November 2016), this subject arouses intense passions in debates over religion and atheism. In 2010 Richard Dawkins became livid after Pope Benedict XVI praised […]