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8 Essential Facts for Effective Christian Apologetics - SES Staging %

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Strengthen Your Faith & Witness through Apologetics

8 Essential Facts You Need
for Effective Christian Apologetics

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Table of Contents

Confusion is Reigning Throughout the World and the Church

More and more we see reality, including the truth of Christianity, being abandoned and exchanged for a caricature of the truth. Christians today face a culture that is increasingly hostile not only to the Gospel but also to the very philosophical and epistemological foundations for rational thought. Christ-followers are called to combat these false ideas that stand in the way of the Gospel (2 Cor. 10:3-5; 1 Peter 3:15; Jude 3). Are you prepared to use Christian apologetics (i.e., the rational defense of the Faith) to help others see the truth?

steadfast in the truth

The State of Our Culture

54% believe truth is subjective

54% of Americans believe that all truth is subjective & there are no moral absolutes

Almost one quarter of American adults are “nones” (atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular”)

Recent studies show 2 in 5 US Millennials simply “don’t know, care, or believe that God exists”

Close to 3 in 4 US Millennials agree that whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know

As stated above, the rational defense of the truthfulness of Christianity is known as Christian apologetics, and it is one aspect of the Christian life that is woefully lacking in many believers. Sadly, the church too often teaches an incomplete Christianity that is not built on solid thinking and good evidence, and a shallow Christianity that seems to have little to say about the real issues of life. The results of this irrationality and the emasculation of the Christian faith speak for themselves …

The State of American 'Christianity'

Of American churchgoers, recent studies found the following:

63% agree that God accepts the worship of all religions

48% agree the Bible contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true

54% agree that religious belief is a matter of personal opinion rather than objective truth

Around 2 in 5 American churchgoers agree that gender identity is a matter of choice

Nearly half of American churchgoers disagree or are unsure that abortion is a sin

Only 2 in 5 Senior Pastors have a biblical worldview*

Only 12% of Children’s & Youth Pastors have a biblical worldview*

*”Biblical Worldview” is defined here as making sure our understanding/choices are consistent with God’s principles and commands

Why should anyone in a highly-educated, scientific, “tolerant,” and technologically-advanced culture believe the truthfulness of Christianity? Thinking well about things like logic, faith and reason, the evidence for God’s existence, and the true nature of Christianity directly address all the issues listed above. When the evidence is examined in a systematic way, we can see that we have excellent reasons to believe Christianity is actually true. And if that is the case, as C.S. Lewis observed, there is nothing more important we can take hold of and learn to effectively share with others. As SES co-founder Dr. Norman Geisler said,

“[Apologetics] is opening the door, clearing the rubble, and removing the hurdles so that people can come to Christ.”

8 Essential Apologetics Facts that Show Christianity is Actually True

From the Greek word, apologia, meaning “to give a defense,” apologetics is both offensive (making a positive case for Christianity) and defensive (answering objections against Christianity). As you will see below, apologetics utilizes logic, philosophy, science, history, etc. to demonstrate the fact that Christianity is actually true and that biblical faith is simply trust in the authority of God in light of the evidence. Christian philosopher Edward Feser put it this way,

“… apologetics is not a grab bag of ad hoc moves designed merely to win over converts by whatever means are at hand. It is not a kind of rhetoric. It is a kind of science, in the broad sense of a systematic body of objective knowledge. It has a philosophical foundation and a logical structure, a proper ordering of topics integrated into a theoretically coherent whole. It contains no gaps that require that the chain of logical argumentation suddenly be interrupted, and the intellect turned off so that will or emotion can take the reins. And if it is not treated this way … it will not be taken seriously by most intelligent people, and will not deserve to be.”

In this resource, we have distilled 8 things you should know in order to engage our post-truth culture, whether that be neighbors, family, friends, or co-workers, with God’s truth. Read them. Explore some of the materials we reference. And let us also encourage you to pray. What might God be leading you to do next in order to be better equipped for ministry?

“Some, who think themselves naturally gifted, do not wish to touch either philosophy or logic; nay more, they do not wish to learn natural science. They demand bare faith alone, as if they wished, without bestowing any care on the vine, straightway to gather clusters from the first. Now the Lord is figuratively described as the vine, from which, with pains and the art of husbandry, according to the word, the fruit is to be gathered. We must lop, dig, bind, and perform the other operations. The pruning-knife, I should think, and the pick-axe, and the other agricultural implements, are necessary for the culture of the vine, so that it may produce eatable (sic.) fruit. … So also here, I call him truly learned who brings everything to bear on the truth; so that, from geometry, and music, and grammar, and philosophy itself, culling what is useful, he guards the faith against assault.”


Philosophical Foundations – Unveiling the Pillars of Christian Apologetics

Is it unconventional to start with these essentials? In a world shaped by relativism, some might think so. Yet, in today’s landscape, each of these is a prerequisite for effective Christian apologetics.

1. Objective Truth Exists and is Knowable

Truth is that which corresponds to reality. Acknowledging the undeniable fact that we can know objective truths about the real world is foundational. Effective apologetics hinges on establishing and embracing these fundamental truths.

2. Language is a Sufficient Medium to Relate Objective Truth

In the realm of modern conversations about faith, where subjectivity and relativism often dominate, understanding that language is a sufficient medium to convey objective truth becomes crucial. This is a contentious but vital aspect of today’s apologetic discourse.

3. Every Natural Thing in Sensible Reality has a Distinct Nature

Delving into the metaphysical realm, we explore the uniqueness inherent in every natural thing in sensible reality. Understanding the distinct nature of a human being in relation to God’s creation is pivotal. In contemporary discussions covering topics like abortion, gender identity, and other moral and philosophical debates, establishing this fact becomes paramount. It is also a foundational truth when advocating for the existence of God.

Embark on this journey through philosophical foundations, where these essential truths serve as the bedrock for effective Christian apologetics.

Classical Theism – The core of christian apologetics

Every concept discussed so far lays the necessary groundwork for constructing a compelling argument supporting the truth of theism — the belief in one God who is distinct from and actively engaged in His creation — especially when engaging with contemporary audiences.

4. It is True that the Theistic God Exists

In every dialogue or debate with those who question theism, the inevitable question arises: How do you know that God exists? Are you equipped to provide a compelling answer leveraging Christian apologetics? While many individuals acknowledge some higher power, effective Christian apologetics requires constructing a robust case for God as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe we all inhabit.

5. If God Exists, then Miracles are Possible

In the realm of Christian apologetics, the foundation is laid with the acknowledgment that if God exists, miracles are not only possible but integral. The credibility of the Bible hinges on the possibility of miracles. Can you articulate a persuasive case for the possibility of divine intervention and supernatural occurrences?

Delve deeper into the realm of Classical Christian Apologetics, where these tenets form the cornerstone for constructing a profound and convincing case for theism, especially in today’s conversations with diverse and contemporary audiences.

Jesus and Thomas

The Case for Christianity – The fulfillment of christian apologetics

The journey of a skilled apologist extends beyond what’s outlined here; we’ve merely sketched the fundamental essentials. Reaching a point in a conversation where you can compellingly argue for core Christian doctrines requires significant effort. Yet, SES offers an array of resources, including comprehensive training, to empower you for this impactful ministry.

6. The Bible is Historically Reliable

Unpacking the reliability of the Bible is pivotal. How did our present-day scriptures come to be? Are they accurate? Who were the authors? Addressing these questions responds to common objections to the Gospel, establishing a foundation for robust Christian apologetics.

7. Jesus was Resurrected, thus Proving to Be God

Building on the preceding groundwork, presenting evidence for Jesus’ resurrection becomes a compelling endeavor. The resurrection serves as the ultimate proof of His divinity, lending authority to His profound claims of being God in human form.

8. The Bible is the Inspired, Inerrant Word of God

With sound arguments supporting the preceding points, a compelling case emerges, asserting the truth of Christianity and the authority of biblical revelation. At this juncture, given the law of non-contradiction, anything contrary to these truths can be discerned as inherently false.

Embark on an in-depth exploration of the case for Christianity, where we delve into these critical tenets, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed for effective Christian apologetics. SES stands as your dedicated partner on this transformative journey.

Explore the resources below to learn more about the essential apologetics points listed above


with Dr. Richard Howe

with Alisa Childers & John Steingard

with Dr. Frank Turek

with Rodney Cripps & Michael Stewart

The Effective Education You Need

Every Christian apologist must have a thorough, seasoned understanding of why we believe what we believe as Christians. That is one way of summarizing much of what we have mentioned so far. The ability to address today’s issues requires intentional preparation. As Southern Evangelical Seminary co-founder, Dr. Norman Geisler, said, “[Apologetics] is opening the door, clearing the rubble, and getting rid of the hurdles so that people can come to Christ.” 

One Thing Most New Christian Apologists Forget

It is just as important to have a thorough, seasoned understanding of why the unbeliever you are talking to believes what they believe. The strongest arguments for the Gospel often flounder because of a lack of understanding and empathy for the other person’s worldview. Gaining that perspective is critical for your efforts to be persuasive. But it is also a basic and humbling expression of love, care, and concern for your opponent in any debate — who is also your neighbor! 

“I can hardly find words to express how thankful I am for SES. After my Christianity was deconstructed, they literally shepherded me, one class at a time, through my faith reconstruction. SES continues to equip students to defend objective truth, the true Gospel, and the inerrancy of Scripture. They are also holding the line by rejecting cultural trends like wokeness and redefinitions of gender and sexuality.”

Apologetics Discussion

One Last Thing …

We understand Christian apologetics so thoroughly not only because we teach it in every one of our classes at Southern Evangelical Seminary, but also because we live it. Spend some time browsing our podcasts and media resources and you will see how we engage in the toughest conversations and debates you can have about faith. Be sure to also download our mobile app with over 500 hours of free apologetics content at your fingertips. Self-guided study can only take you so far. We also hope you will consider all that SES has to offer you through our seminary degree programs and certificates. We blend classical apologetics, philosophy, and evangelical theology in our distinctive approach for training men and women for personal or full-time ministry — with a tuition value that is almost impossible to beat. May God bless you and all of your efforts to become equipped with the effective tools for ministry in your calling.

Truth is that which corresponds to reality. It is undeniable that we can know at least some objective truths about the real world. Everything about effective apologetics depends on establishing these facts that are, perhaps, the most controversial of any of these points.

This is contentious, but critical in today’s conversations about faith where subjectivity and relativism seem to reign for many unbelievers. If language can’t convey objective truth, communication is impossible (including God communicating special revelation via the Bible).

If we can first establish the historical accuracy of Scripture, and that the resurrection really happened, then we may effectively use Jesus’ own authoritative words to consider the many other claims of the Bible. This gives us reason to believe the Bible is actually true and inerrant.


See the Vital Need for Apologetics-Focused Education

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