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New Religious Movements -

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New Religious Movements

This course will be taught by Emeritus Professor  Richard G. Howe. Dr. Howe is an expert in cults and religious movements and tours the country teaching and speaking on their influence on culture. For a more thorough description of the course, visit the tentative syllabus by clicking here


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One Minute Apologist – What Is a Cult – with Richard G. Howe from Dr. Richard G. Howe on Vimeo.

“A survey of contemporary cults and other aberrant doctrines that challenge the historic Christian Faith.” [from the Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College Catalog 2015 –2016, p. 61]

A comment about the phrase ‘New Religious Movements’: Southern Evangelical Seminary has changed its policy regarding our official use of the term ‘cult’ in any course title. However, you may still find the term ‘cult’ utilized in places within the course material. I will deliberately address the various uses of the term ‘cult’ near the beginning of the course.

New Religious Movements and aberrant groups covered may include (but not necessarily be limited to) Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, New Age Movement, Christian Science (and other “mind/science” groups), Unification Church, Scientology, Freemasonry, Urantia Foundation, The Way International, and the Word of Faith movement.

The course will run from May 2, 2016 to Aug. 5, 2016. Lectures for the course will be on the campus of Southern Evangelical Seminary during the Module week of Monday, May 2, 2016 through Saturday, May 7, 2016. Class will run from 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm EDT, Monday through Friday and 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, EDT on Saturday. The lectures will also be streamed live over the internet for all registered students.

All times and dates associated with the class are Easter Daylight Time (EDT) unless otherwise indicated.

Required Materials For This Course516fraNFbTL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_

Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults: The Definitive Work on the Subject. (Ravi Zacharias, editor). Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2003. [ISBN-10: 0764228218; ISBN-13: 978-0764228216]

Readings and handouts (made available through Moodle, the Seminary’s Student Portal).








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