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Judge Phil Ginn Condemns UN ‘Demonic’ Proposal to Legalize Consensual Sex with Minors -

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Judge Phil Ginn Condemns UN ‘Demonic’ Proposal to Legalize Consensual Sex with Minors

by Judge Phil Ginn

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A horrifying new report from the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) — an organization closely linked to the United Nations (UN) — advocated for the legalization of all types of drug use and sexual activity, including sex with minors. The group wants “a new set of expert jurist legal principles to guide the application of international human rights law to criminal law,” according to the report. The organization claims that failing to legalize consensual sex with minors is a human right violation.


After serving as a North Carolina state court trial judge for more than two decades and presiding over some of the most heinous criminal trials imaginable involving child victims, Judge Phil Ginn, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES,, knows firsthand the heart-wrenching aftermath of inappropriate relationships with minors. Ginn commented on this sickening proposal, noting that the evil in the world will stop at nothing to take advantage of the innocent — and that it is high time the Church stood up and fought back.


“Sometimes you just wonder how deep into the abyss our nation and world can travel before the end comes,” Ginn said. “Just when we think we’ve heard and seen it all, horrifying and despicable designs rear their ugly heads for all to see. Such is the case with information gleaned by CBN this past week from a report by an organization known as the International Committee of Jurists, which is linked to the United Nations. CBN revealed that the document advocated for the decriminalization of all types of drug use and sexual activity, including sex with minors. The committee’s reasoning? Keeping these moral issues as crimes is an attack on human rights. Oh, by the way, they incidentally also called for doing away with all restrictions on abortions, prostitution, and alphabet sexual proclivities including hyper ‘trans’ rights.


“Just on the surface alone, this should really make sensible people stop to think about why the United States is supporting trash like this and ultimately the UN itself to the tune of $12.5 billion per year, which adds up to one-fifth of the total budget for this farce of an organization. To put this in simple terms, that’s more than we budget for the entire Coast Guard division of the armed services of our nation. But there is something far more sinister here than merely America’s support of the United Nations.”


Ginn continued, “For twenty-two years, I was honored to be a jurist in the state of North Carolina, hearing cases all the way from family court to the highest trial levels in the state. Now I am ashamed to be coupled in any way with a group who would call themselves jurists and proclaim such demonic garbage and thereby lend any credibility to its nonsense. Obviously, these misguided charlatans have never presided over a case involving child sexual abuse. I dare say they have not had to look at the pictures and videos taken by the sick people who inflicted such heinous horrors on innocent children, nor have they had to look into the eyes of a precious child and see the hollowness that sexual abuse has wrought in their very souls. More importantly, they have never had to visit the graveside of young children who have taken their own life because they simply could not deal with the devastation of the abuse.


How dare they, or anyone else, attempt to discount the carnage left by pedophiles even on a baby as young as eight months old who required surgery just to regain some semblance of normal bodily functions. There are horrific images that will never be erased from my mind, and if these people had any inkling of the destruction wrought by what they are advocating, then surely they would not be so bold in their attack on the family and the innocent lives of our children.


“I don’t know about you, but frankly, I’m fed up with these atrocities on our most vulnerable population. I can no longer be silent, and neither should you. It’s high time that Christ followers proclaim with a clear voice that we will no longer allow our children to be sacrificed to the gods of this world.

“Words from The New Living Translation of the Bible ring forth with eternal truth when in chapter 22, verse 30, the Lord says to Ezekiel, ‘I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.’


For 31 years, Southern Evangelical Seminary has stood for the truth of the Gospel. While we will continue to do so with great fervor, when it comes to the God ordained traditional family and our precious children, we are now also compelled by the Scripture we hold so dear to call out the demonic forces in America and our culture that would destroy the very foundation of our civilization. So, when the Lord looks for someone in America to rebuild the wall of righteousness and to stand in the gap, Southern Evangelical Seminary will be there. Perhaps if there are enough of us, our nation might be spared. Stand up Christians, be courageous, be steadfast in the truth, and help us fill the gap — for our time is short.”





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