1. If a student has a complaint regarding any member of any of the Seminary boards, faculty, administration, staff, graders, or individuals of those bodies, that issue must be handled in accord with the following procedures. All complaints must be submitted in writing and are kept in the Office of the President.
2. If a complaint involves the Seminary Board members, it should first be presented to the President of the seminary in writing. If the student does not feel the complaint has been resolved, it should then be presented to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Board of Trustees shall be considered final.
3. If a complaint involves the President, faculty, staff, or graders, the student should first approach the particular person(s) with a view toward resolution. Academic issues regarding transcripts and the like should be directed first to the Registrar.
4. If the student does not feel that the issue has been resolved, the following actions should take place: A complaint involving the President should then be presented in writing to the chairman of the Board of Trustees. Decision of the Board is final. An unresolved complaint such as harassment, immorality, and the like involving a faculty or staff member should be presented to the Academic Dean. An unresolved complaint involving a grader should be presented to the appropriate faculty member and next to the Academic Dean. Students are given opportunity for confidential input.
5. If the student still does not feel the concern has been resolved, the following actions should take place:
(a) Non–academic complaints should then be presented to the Student Affairs Committee. The Student Affairs Committee shall be comprised of the Director of Student Services, the Academic Dean, Dean of Students, the Business Manager, one faculty member, and the President of the Student Government Association. The students are responsible first to see that they have exhausted the aforementioned measures before bringing the concern to the Student Affairs Committee. The Student Affairs Committee will determine how the grievance will be resolved. The Student Affairs Committee’s decision shall be considered final.
(b) If the concern is academic related, the complaint should then be presented to the Faculty, who will make the final decision.
6. If students are not satisfied with the decision of the Student Affairs Committee or the Faculty, they may file complaints in writing with an accrediting body or government agency.