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The SES Blog Archive:



Community Matters

Reaching Those Around Us  Other than pastors and church staff, the average person spends roughly four hours at church during the week. Therefore, the majority

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Church Matters

May God Increase Our Numbers The world buys our attention and convinces us that purpose exists in tangibles, accolades, relationships, drugs, fame, and money. In

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Family Matters

Cultivating a Meaningful Marriage  God’s original design for marriage is becoming less embraced or celebrated by the world. With divorce rates over fifty percent, it

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Character Matters

Character Defined Character and morality often intersect in their definitions. Even for the unbeliever, we were given a moral compass from the time of our

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Hope Matters

Hope in the Promise Throughout Scripture, we acknowledge God as a promise-keeper. What he says will happen always comes to pass in his perfect timing.

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Love Matters

True Love Defined Love, in its truest form, extends beyond a mere feeling or emotion. Agape love that is uncovered and experienced through a personal

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