Divine Guidance or a Bad Burrito: Rules of Decision Making
I have written a book on the Bible that will be published in the Fall of 2017 called Reading to Grow: A Field Guide to the Bible. In the book, I’ve tried to answer most of the questions my students have asked about the Bible in my last decade of teaching college students. The book […]
God, Evil, and Science: My Response to Richard Carrier
Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter Wordpress Linkedin When I read Richard Carrier’s response to my interactions with Michael Shermer in Skeptic magazine, I could not believe how badly he misunderstood me and misrepresented me […]
Why I Am a Christian, Protestant, and Evangelical
Over time I have conversed with people holding different views on God, religion and Christianity. Regardless of my familiarity with a view, I have always engaged in the exchange of ideas and arguments about beliefs and convictions. I always tried to go after bad arguments or wrong reasoning, while respecting the person that held it, […]
Remembering Phillip E. Johnson
Tribute to Phillip E. Johnson By Dr. Richard D. Land A true spiritual giant and genuine hero of the Christian faith has gone home to be with the Lord. Dr. Phillip E. Johnson, professor, author, scholar, and gentleman and one of the key founders of the Intelligent Design movement passed away a few days ago […]
Real Stories: Talking About God with Adult Children
David and Debbie thought they did everything right raising their kids in a Christian home. They took them to church, had family devotions, prayed for them often, and warned them that their faith would be challenged in college. Now in their mid-40s, their children want nothing to do with spiritual matters. “We thought that they […]
What About the Enneagram?
As the Enneagram spreads, there is a need for accurate information since it is not readily available and the information is conflicting. People are trusting others that the Enneagram is valid rather than investigating. There are 5 issues: What is the Enneagram and where did it come from? What are the problems with its promotion? […]