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Did Christ Die For Everyone?

I debated the topic “Did Jesus Die For All Men Without Exception?” with my friend Sonny Hernandez of Reforming America Ministries. This article is an adaptation of my opening statement in that debate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3JXsRVX-Ms&feature=emb_title I have held to limited atonement and unlimited atonement. The transition was long and thoughtful. The reason I currently hold to unlimited […]

Cultural Relativity

In preparation for an upcoming class on the philosophy of hermeneutics, I was reviewing and updating my notes. One of the issues dealt with early in the notes is the significance of culture and cultural studies on our understanding of how to interpret the world. What struck me and motivated me to attempt to write […]

Theistic Arguments: Now and Then

I have benefited greatly from the array of arguments for God’s existence that apologists have used over the years, including the cosmological, teleological, and moral. In fact, I did my Master’s thesis at Ole Miss on William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument. I thought then as I still think today that the argument is sound. What […]

Why Celebrate Thanksgiving?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 Thanksgiving means different things to different people. Some say it is about food, family, and football. Others, that it’s a break from work or a time to stand outside of your favorite store […]

How Should I Respond to the Claim We Don’t Have the Original Bible?

Can it be good to NOT have an original? Norman Rockwell’s painting Saying Grace sold in 2013 for $46 million dollars. It was so valuable because it was an original and he is famous for capturing American life better than others. There are many of us who value and collect original or first-edition works. Many […]

Reasoning Rightly About Biblical Inerrancy: Five Questions You Need to Know

Many students I teach in Bibliology come from Christian schools, homes, or have been in the Church a while. Yet, I quickly discover they have major misconceptions about the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. One popular misconception is they think biblical inerrancy is based on an ancient reading of the Bible. That is, they think some […]

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