At this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, I will discussing The Critical Need for Integrating Apologetics into Youth Ministry. This talk will examine the data surrounding the youth exodus from the faith, the reasons for this exodus, and how church leadership and youth ministers can counteract this trend by integrating apologetics into their curriculum for little to no cost. We will discuss in detail the three steps necessary to successfully include apologetics in any youth program to produce results that will keep students strong in their faith as they grow into adulthood. This talk will also include how his my church in central Texas, Hill Country Fellowship, successfully implemented these three steps to produce a vibrant culture of apologetics within the body of believers. It is significant to note this was accomplished in a church within a community of 5,000, demonstrating that the size of the church or surrounding community should not be a hindrance in bringing such a program into any church body. His talk will conclude with a discussion about the concept of “a mentoring apologist” for those interested in bringing apologetics into their church.
Early in his Christian faith, Dan developed a deep interest in apologetics. He enrolled at Biola University for the fall term ‘13 and in December 2015, he graduated summa cum laude from their Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics program. He is currently taking additional coursework in the Master of Arts in Science and Religion program at Biola University and the Master of Arts in Religion at Southern Evangelical Seminary in anticipation of the pursuit of a future doctorate.
Dan has taught his own apologetics curriculum at several area churches and is currently teaching area high school students and the men’s group at his local church. Dan has spoken in Sean McDowell’s graduate class,Youth Apologetics, at Biola University on the topic of engaging the youth with apologetics.
Dan is also the Director of Ratio Christi College Prep – Texas Hill Country Chapter. RC Prep is an organization recently piloted under the Ratio Christi umbrella for the purpose of reaching high school students. He is working closely with their leadership to insure the success of this program nationwide aimed to strengthen students’ faith, make it their own, and defend it in a winsome manner.